Monday, 31 March 2008

Why.. :o

Ok, I made this because this is what I do in my free time, I do not want to bore all my "rl-friends" with this but I do think the things I do in WoW (World of Warcraft) are fun for myself and others to read (back).

Anyway, I'll tell a little about myself first.

I'm Floor, 22 years old and live in Holland or ingame, Urgilash, Dwarf Priest lvl 70 and Guild Master of Symmetry on Balnazzar EU.

About 2 years back I started playing Wow and from the moment I started playing I got into a raiding guild. I was leveling a Night Elf Rogue, Serva, at the time and after a few months I made it to level 60 which was the highest back then. I started doing the end game raids and in february (I think) the expansion came out, The Burning Crusade.

It was a huge change, from 40 man raids to 10 or 25 man raids. A lot of guilds went down and I didnt agree with the guild I was in anymore, I started up Symmetry with my boyfriend, who I met in WoW as well, living in Finland ^^

As a lot of new guilds popped up it was hard to convince people to get into MY kara guild and not in one of the other 500. Recruiting went slow but somewhere in June we hit the spot, we went to Kara, had huge amount of fun and we had raids every week. Ofcourse because the jump from 10 man to 25 man is huge, a lot of guilds were struggling to get that, Tried a lot of raid alliances, one even worse then the other and finally got there. We are now doing Gruul and trying to advance in the other 25 man's as well.

However, getting the 25 people at the same time at the same place, still continues to be a struggle. One week we have 4 25 man raids with 30/35 people signed up and a lot of people to choose from. the other week we can't seem to get anythinggoing since we only have 13 sign ups.

Frustrating yes, but makes for a fun blog I think, So.. that's the why ;)