Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Choices, choices...

Don't you hate big changes?
Especially when you still need to make the decision...

I always wanted to study for English Teacher, but becasue of personal issues it never really came down to that and now Im working full time as office manager at a Japanese company.
It feels like my life is rushing by me and Im still trying to figure out how and what, and doing something I know I won't like for the rest of my life. So I went to check out the studies wich are avaiable at the moment, and seeing I always like to care and solve problems and help I decided to do the study to become a teacher, from the age of 4 to 12. Maybe after that I wanna see if I can specialise with kids with learning disorders or who are having a handicap.

All sounds very interesting etc but since Im living on my own, paying rent etc, this is not an easy step. So I will see if i can either do the first year homeschooling or do it part time (with my job next to it.) Since Im already 22 and the study will take me 4 to 6 years I would prefer to start in September this year, so I need to hurry with decisions a bit :S

Special thanks to Thomas who gave me some pointers with this, checking them out atm. :D

Monday, 26 May 2008


Last week I had to make a really hard decision, for me, the fun in WoW kinda stopped since I was to busy trying to run the guild. Making the jump from Gruul and Maggy to SSC/TK was kinda hard and doing that with only a few leading roles turned out to be rather.. interesting...
When one of the officers, Ethin, decided to stop with WoW It was more or less me trying to run guild and it was to much responsibility. Ethin told me he was going to play Age of Conan and after I looked into that I decided to buy it as well and give it a try.

So friday I played it and kinda never stopped again. It's very different from WoW but in a good way I think. Im playing a Priest of Mitra atm and because of some problems with my graphics card im "only" level 16 >< Havent done anyt instance yet but I have to say that the way you heal is refreshing, you don't have any big heals just heal over timers till now.
Im looking forward to trying this out in an instance and ofcourse to the end game content at level 80.

For the people wanting to join me on AoC Im on the PVE server Dagon, known as Eilin - Priest of Mitra or Aurian - Tempest of Set.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008


been real busy the last few days :(
or well, more in a good way :D

For guild we are trying to implement some new rules wich im more happy about, bit more strict wich should give us a more smooth raiding experience. Hope it all works out :P
Gruul and Maggy are a steady raid on one night now, wich is quite a nice feeling, now we just want the rest ^^

We had queensday here, wich was quite a nice off day ^^ met up with some people and been just generally lazy. The day after was a free day as well and I can't even remember what I did then except with who I was, so I was probably lazy then as well :S
The saturday after this I organized some tickets for the Animecon 2008 in Almelo, the Netherlands. Was really looking forward to it but because of some complications with a place for the night we couldn't go unfortunately. Next year on the day the tickets open for sale I will buy them straight away and get a hotel for the whole weekend :P

Oh yes.. I have been humiliated DEEPLY!!!
I know Dwarfs aren't the most loved class in the game, but you all know me, and you all know Im cute, love-able and funny! (ego-trip ftw xD) No need to make fun of me.. and if my lovely features get me somehow... stuck...