Tuesday 19 August 2008


Ok, I'm on a roll here >< have a lot to post :P
Yesterday I had a bit of an emo-rant day, sorry for that to the people who listend and thanks for all your support ;) But back on topic.

In friendships/relationships a lot can go wrong, this is a known fact. But what I don't understand is when people suddenly dissapear.
Just out of nowhere no contact. Last words in a conversation "We need to have more contact, I'm sick so I'm going home from work, I'll be on msn later today. Talk to you soon, xxx missed you!" That was 26th of june and I haven't heard a thing since. I know he's alive but that's about it.
I can understand if a friendship is over after a fight or something happening, but this is just so weird.

Would just like to speak to him to know why. That's all :P


  1. Anonymous said...
    Aawh I know what you mean.. That really sucks.. and I am ashamed to have to admit that I haven't been the best friend myself lately.. I'm sorry about that! I'm just been trying to found out how to make time for everything and everyone in my life at the moment.. I promise it will get better! I love and miss you wifey!
    Urgilash said...
    Wasn't talking about you hun, I know you're busy and I know things will be ok sooner or later.
    Have been quite busy as well with some new things (a)
    But well, you most probably know who I'm writing about ;)
    Anonymous said...
    Yes I know who you mean hun.. it's really weird you haven't heard anything from that person.. did you try calling again? Or ask some friends how he is doing?
    Urgilash said...
    I know he is doing ok, don't have his phone number thi, since he changed that few days after i last spoke to him (he lost his phone the same week)
    Like I said, just would want to know why he suddenly acted like this.
    Gsiwn3e49 said...
    Heh, because you mentioned that telephone I know that I'm in the same boat as Joy: I'm not the one you're talking about, but I've also not been in much contact with you either.

    I dunno... As I mentioned through e-mail today, our relationship did feel very natural: we talk very easy and have no problems talking about more personal stuff either. However, we've also only met once before, so maybe that plays a role as well. The proverb goes "out of sight, out of mind" and maybe there's some truth there... I have to admit that I always get so caught up in my life that I don't think about my friends that often. Seriously, often my wife even needs to remind me about important stuff in my -family-! Go figure...

    So yeah, let's keep emailing dear :)
    Urgilash said...
    Well, I'm usually very straight forward when it comes to friendships, If I don't like something, I say it. Not always in the most charming way ;)

    Friendships go like this, one year you have a lot of contact and the other it's less. We all have private life's and need to take care of that, that's natural. But this was just weird. From going to best friends to having no contact. ah well, his loss really ;)

    Thanks for your posts though, appreciate it eventho I didn't think of you while writing it :P

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